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Winning #
Envelope #
Weekly Prize
1 1555203 29 4 of Diamonds $1,191 Judith Sparling
2 2608955 1 3 of Spades $783 Nicole Jolie
3 5043626 2 King of Hearts $678 Judith Jean
4 4796197 43 7 of Spades $847 Lidnina Rodriguez
5 5298295 7 4 of Spades $705

Diane Bowen

6 1931353 12 10 of Spades $568 Catherine Tibbles
7 5487042 19 Queen of Spades $486 Linda Mainville
8 3886075 15 Queen of Diamonds $487 Suraj Gupta
9 5770985 51 2 of Clubs $455 Peter Sonea
10 4735604 23 2 of Diamonds
$550 Heather Sanders
11 5131660 38 5 of Diamonds $674 Amy Clark
12 1511446 31 4 of Hearts $672 Beverly Lamb
13 1430275 14 2 of Spades $704 Victoria McHugh
14 3593439 22 6 of Diamonds $645 Michael Potts
15 3640493 35 9 of Spades $531 Peter Sonea
16 4254867 36 8 of Clubs $792 Sophie Reinhard
17 5275230 34 7 of Hearts $934 Laura Martin
18 1228885 32 2 of Hearts $1,208 Sherry Stevenson
19 3748712 47 King of Clubs
$1,134 Judith Delhey
20 3794719 46 Queen of Hearts $1,006 Sharron Gleeson
21 5874668 9 Jack of Hearts  $1,361 Monica Young
22 2896030 37 Ace of Clubs $1,123 Heidi Snow
23 5145215 44 9 of hearts $959 Denise Moxness
24 1174885 24 3 of Clubs $785 Jacques Trottier
25 2208607 48 8 of Spades $990 Jacques Trottier
26 2805959 4 8 of Hearts $1,306 Denise Moxness
27 3721630 11 3 of Diamonds $1,994
28 2596239 3 5 of Clubs $1,662 Jennifer Dodds
29 4601491 25 10 of Clubs $1,968 Monica Young
30 5964085 28 Queen of Clubs $1,766 Greg Dowden
31 2973013 16 King of Spades $1,810 Lorelei Reid
32 2814930 21 5 of Spades $2,021 Jacques Trottier
33 1802974 8 Ace of Diamonds $2,101 Sharon Smith
34 4088357 27 6 of Spades $2,227 Sean Neil
35 1240471 20 6 of Hearts $2,088 Krista Leonard
36 4477880 33
Jack of Spades
$2,369 Bonnie D’Angelo
37 1398408 5 King of Diamonds $2,410 Bonnie D’Angelo
38 5798249 13 10 of Hearts $2,881 Anthony D’Angelo
39 5250950 18 5 of Hearts $2,815 Laura Martin
40 4743361 6 7 of Diamonds $2,905 Greg Dowden
41 5473843 17 3 of Hearts $2,778 Jacques Trottier
42 2709069 42 10 of Diamonds $2,950 Jacques Trottier
43 2465882 26 Ace of Spades $3,185.00 Jacques Trottier